Sunday, December 16, 2007

The last few weeks

I have a bunch (lots) of pictures from the last few weeks. I'll post them starting with the most recent.

Today we had a lot of snow - so much that church was cancelled this afternoon.
Anneke's bright red cheeks from the cold!

At the begining of December we made a gingerbread house. The kids had fun helping.
The finished product.

It was even more fun to eat it though (a week or so later). After eating all the candies they were sucking the icing.

Look at that tongue!

After finishing my quilt that's hanging on the wall now I made a bag with fabric I bought in BC when I was with Alisa. It was a lot of fun - I think I'll make another bag (or two...or three!).
With some of the leftover fabric I made a headband for Anneke. I had seen the pattern for it online somewhere and wanted to try it out. It worked great - I think I may be making more of these too :)

A few weekends ago, the last weekend of November, we drove to Cornell where Conrad is doing his post-doc. He had to do a presentation so we decided to all go and then drive up to Ottawa afterwards and spend the weekend there. It worked out really well. The weather wasn't great and on the Friday evening when we were driving from Cornell to Ottawa we ended up staying in a hotel. We had a really nice time in Ottawa with Chris and Charlene and also got to visit with my cousin Linda and family.
Taghannock Falls, Ithaca, NY. This is only a few minutes away from the University. It is a beautiful place! The pictures are really light - the sun must have been shining right at the camera.
Tessa was very intrigued with Helena
On Saturday Chris and Conrad took the three oldest to the War Museum while Charlene and I stayed with the little ones and spent some time with just the two of us. It worked out great!
Driving home again. It was a pretty tense drive with snowy roads but we made it home safely.