Thursday, September 13, 2007

A little something

Since we got back from BC I've been working on a big wall quilt that has been in progress for a year or so. It's coming along and I really hope to get it done in the next month or so. Anyway, this week I decided to do something different and I made a changing pad for the change table (obviously :)). I used left over fabric from the first quilt I ever made. It was a baby gift for a friend of mine. I think I even have a picture of it on CD somewhere but I'll save it for another day. Here's the changing pad
I used some circus fabric I had for the back - kind of fun. I also put in two layers of batting to make it softer and instead of binding it I put a small border on it, sewed it all together and then flipped it around. Then I just quilted in the seam of the border and ta-da! it looks like binding.

Anneke and Lukas also did their first "quilting" this week. They had a lot of fun gluing fabric onto paper! Here's Anneke's:

Another exciting thing is that I finally got a free motion foot! I'm really looking forward to playing around and practicing with that.

And...a picture from this morning of the kids sitting on the couch reading stories. I'd never have a problem getting the dishes done right away if they always did this! :)


Anonymous said...

Hey I recognize that fabric! (seeing as my son sleeps under it on a daily basis) Nice change pad. So what is a free motion foot? I presume it's something for quilting???

Anonymous said...

I think Anneke is going to be quite the quilter someday!

Anonymous said...

Suzanne - nice change pad! I really like it. Alisa