Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Crafts, Duplo and the beginning of Autumn

I think one of the best parts of being a Mom is watching your kids be creative. Anneke and Lukas love to colour, draw, cut and paste. It is amazing to see them learn how to control a pen or felt and then start making shapes, people and so on. Last week We got some huge pieces of paper from a friend and the kids spent over an hour making some wonderful posters. It was a big mess but definately worth it!

This is our family that Anneke made

Lukas drawing beds :)

The kids, Tessa included, love duplo. We have a lot of it, some bought new, a lot given to us and some really good deals at the second hand store. Hours and hours of fun!
Lukas playing knights (who do you think started that one??)

On Sunday after church we went for a walk around the stadium, by the river which is right across the road. I forget that the river is so close by. It was a beautiful day and the trees are just starting to turn colour although that's a bit hard to tell on the pictures. We saw lots of Canada Geese. Does that mean they're on there way south already?

1 comment:

Chas said...

How fun!!!!!
That is good that you let them be creative (and messy) :)!!!
And what sweet pictures of them on Sunday!
Take care!

My Cup Runneth Over...